Free Wyoming Certificate of Good Standing
If Your Company Is Current,
The Wyoming Secretary Of State
Will Issue You
A Free Certificate Good Standing!
You Do Not Have To Pay Anyone To Obtain This For You.
Why Do I Want Or Need One?

A Free Wyoming Certificate Good Standing is the Wyoming Secretary of State verifying the existence and active status of your company. They provide this service at No Charge!
Many persons, organizations, banks, creditors, or States require a Wyoming Certificate Good Standing in order to transact business activities with you. They want to know they are dealing with a company that is in existence. Keep in mind that by issuing a Wyoming Certificate of Good Standing, the Wyoming Secretary of State is not endorsing your company. They are simply stating that your company is in existence and your Wyoming fees have been paid.
Yes, it is true that any person, company, or State can look on the Wyoming Secretary of State’s website and verify that you are in Good Standing in less than a minute. However, many of those institution’s operating procedures were written years ago before that was possible. Many institutions have never updated their operating procedures, so they ask for a Wyoming Certificate of Good Standing.
If you would like to conduct business in another State, the prospective State will ask you to submit a Wyoming Certificate of Good Standing for their files. Government likes lots of paperwork!
If you would like a Free Wyoming Certificate of Good Standing for your company,
Please Give Polly A Call At 775 782 6587
She will obtain your Certificate from Wyoming while you are on the phone and email it to you.